Wednesday 23. March 2022 at 13:30 to 15:00
Tuesday 22. March 2022 at 12:00
Odense Congress Center, Odense room,
Ørbækvej 350,
5220 Odense SØ
Odense Congress Center, Odense room
Ørbækvej 350
5220 Odense SØ
Paying members of Odense Robotics can send one representative per membership to the annual general meeting, which will take place on March 23 at Odense Congress Center. The annual general meeting is open to paying members only.
Read the regulations governing Odense Robotics here (vedtægter).
To sign up, follow both links below. You are required to register for the meeting and for the R-22 fair, as the annual general meeting is being held at the Odense Congress Center during the fair. Participation is free of charge but only available for paying members.
Remember to sign up for Odense Robotics’ annual conference, which will take place the same day at the same venue - more info here
By signing up to the events, you give your permission to Odense Robotic to use pictures and video from the event in marketing activities.
Odense Congress Center - locale: Sjælland
Contact Ole Georg Andersen, Marketing Manager at Odense Robotics, if you have questions about the event ogand@odenserobotics.dk
Click to view the event location on Google Maps >