Wednesday 31. August 2022 at 08:30 to 16:00
Sunday 28. August 2022 at 16:00
HCA Airport ,
Lufthavnvej 131,
5270 Odense N
HCA Airport
Lufthavnvej 131
5270 Odense N
Join us at HC Andersen Airport Odense to learn about the benefits of the Danish UAS ecosystem and the possibilities to establish a Nordic presence in Denmark.
Meet stakeholders from the drone industry and kick-start your collaboration with the Danish drone industry and the Danish Defence, learn about the exceptional UAS / C-UAS test facilities and how easy it is to set up a business in Denmark. Explore how the already established robotic cluster has made Denmark and Odense to the center of highly skilled labor within both SW and HW and much more.
This event will take place the day after The International Drone Show so take advantage of this unique possibility also to get insights about the UAS and drone industry from thought leaders in the business and learn about future drone applications.
On August 29, it is possible to participate in an informal drone community meetup dinner in the City of Odense. Please sign up for this event on the sign-up page. The meetup takes place at Storms Parkhus from 18.30.
Contact Lisa Rosenlyst Hansen, Business Development Manager at Odense Robotics, if you have questions about the event lrh@odenserobotics.dk
About the event
The Danish UAS Ecosystem - A gateway to Europe event is a joint partnership between Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, UAS Denmark, Invest in Odense, CenSec and Odense Robotics.
The Danish UAS Ecosystem - A gateway to Europe event is a joint partnership between Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, UAS Denmark, Invest in Odense, CenSec, Erhvervs Hus Fyn, and Odense Robotics.
This event is also supported by
The Danish Embassy in Washington & The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation.
Odense Robotics is supported by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science as well as the Danish Board of Business Development.